How To Grow Tasty Tomatoes In Victoria

Have you always wanted to grow your own veggies? Or are you a seasoned gardener ready to branch out? Now is the best time to plant tomatoes in Melbourne, so here are some tips to grow lots of juicy, tasty toms.

Proper Position

The biggest mistake gardeners make when growing tomatoes, is incorrect positioning. Tomatoes need at least 7 hours of full sun per day. But we all know the Australian sun can be harsh during summer. So, a removable shade cloth for those days above 40 degrees is a must. Tomato plants also love warmth, so a warm, sunny position with plenty of mulch is best. Also, avoid overcrowding tomato seedlings. Densely planted tomatoes can restrict growth overall and reduce airflow. Leading to less fruit, and a higher risk of disease.

Worthwhile Watering

Sometimes, your bushes and vines will produce tomatoes with broken, cracked skin. This is the result of inconsistent watering. When the roots of your tomato plant go from being bone dry to being overloaded with water, the surge of hydration causes the fruit to expand quickly and split. So, keep your watering consistent. Use a wetting agent to increase the time between watering or install a timed sprinkler system for best results.

Note: tomatoes are best planted directly into the ground. But if you’re growing tomatoes in pots, make sure to water almost every day during warmer weather.

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Prevent The Pests

Tomato plants are particularly susceptible to pests and disease, so it’s important to keep an eye out for any changes. Small, white flies on the underside of leaves, curling or blackened foliage or munched fruit can be an indication pests are present within your crop. So, cut off affected leaves, invest in some pesticide, or plant a dummy crop to keep your fruit safe.

Stabilise And Support

All tomato plants—especially vining varieties, need a little support. Plant all varieties deeply into the soil, so only leaves are poking through to the surface. Roots will form from the stem underground, making the plant extra stable. Still, it’s almost always necessary to provide your plants with a cage or stake to grow against, as heavy fruit will eventually snap your plant’s stem.

Did you know that After-Care’s in home care services include gardening? Our team of experts can help with garden maintenance, lawn mowing, and even veggie gardens. Click here to enquire about our in home care and contact us today.